Since September 2022 Internews has been implementing a regional project APRICOT (Accountable Practices for Reporting…
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Media Criticism
n 2022, Internews in Kyrgyzstan launched a new project – a Media Criticism Workshop.
This area is designed to analyze, evaluate and predict the qualitative development of journalism: achieving professional growth and technological improvement, strengthening corporate responsibility and solidarity, following ethical standards, compliance with the principles of an independent institute for public information, performing other social functions inherent in the media, stimulating the creative skills of journalists and many other criteria.
The finalists of the competitive selection, who successfully study at the training and undergo a subsequent mentoring program, are invited to join the group of authors-media critics of Internews in the Kyrgyz Republic for freelance and fee-based paid work on creating content in the genre of media criticism.
Herewith we offer you an article about citizen journalism in the regions from Mirlan Kadyrov, a participant in the Development…
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
720021, 115, Ibraimov str., 11th floor, Asyl Tash Business Center (Entrance from Gogol street)
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