About the project
Internews is implementing the “Transparency through Reporting & Advocacy Campaigns in Kyrgyzstan (TRACK)” project. The initial project implementation period was from September 6, 2019, through March 31, 2021, and has since been extended through a series of cost extensions to May 31, 2024. The project aims to build the capacity of broader civil society to address corruption and promote greater transparency within the Kyrgyz Republic by training and supporting local civil society and independent media to expose corruption.
The application deadline is 18:00 Bishkek time on March 1, 2024.
It is expected that the partner will conduct an assessment of the TRACK project following the terms of reference, which will be provided to interested candidates upon request.
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the project’s performance, immediate results, and early signs of impact and sustainability, as well as provide recommendations for how the project’s work could be built upon by potential future programming.
Evaluation purpose and format:
The evaluation process should encompass three main phases: methodology development, data collection, and analysis and report writing.
While considering all TRACK beneficiaries and partners, the evaluator(s) may select case studies for in-depth assessment, except for content analysis, which should cover all relevant content production partners.
Who can participate in the competition
Local and international evaluators, as well as companies offering project evaluation services that meet the following criteria:
· Master’s degree or above in social sciences, media, international development, evaluation, OR equivalent professional experience.
· Demonstrated experience conducting midterm and final external project evaluations, including monitoring and evaluation experience, application of interviewing techniques (in-person and remote), qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, research, and statistical analysis.
· Knowledge of media and political environments in the target country; in-depth understanding of issues facing media outlets in Kyrgyzstan.
· Excellent intercultural communication skills/cultural sensitivity.
· English and Russian fluency required; fluency in Kyrgyz language required among the overall evaluation team to conduct interviews.
· In all duties, the evaluator(s) is expected to demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to upholding Internews’ Core Values.
How to apply
Interested candidates are required to provide the following documents:
- Portfolio and information confirming experience of similar studies;
- Technical proposal for the assessment and content analysis, describing the methodological approach;
- CVs of evaluator(s), including at least two reference contacts relevant to this SoW;
- Financial proposal/offer (in USD $ dollars) (Ensure that all taxes and translation services, if necessary, from Kyrgyz/Russian are included).
To receive additional information and detailed technical SoW, we ask all interested candidates to write Bekzat Baiysh at [email protected] with the subject “Request for receiving SoW for project evaluation.”
Documents for participation in the competition must be submitted to the address: [email protected] before March 1, 2024, 18.00 Bishkek time.