In November, Kyrgyzstan will host the first AIYM art festival in the virtual space of the Metauniverse, timed to coincide with the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.
The WeInCrypto creative group, the partner of Internews in Kyrgyzstan, organizes the art festival
Internews in Kyrgyzstan supported this project for an innovative approach to highlighting gender issues.
– The project may also be of interest to female artists, who will be able to earn money from selling their creative works. This is the first unique project when for the first time the works of local artists will be placed in the Metauniverse and will be shown to a wide audience as part of an art festival,”- said Narynbek Sariev, project coordinator from Internews in Kyrgyzstan.
A series of training events and an art festival will provide an opportunity for Kyrgyzstani female and male artists and painters to make their voices heard by promoting a cultural code, redefining images of women and mastering new technology. Moreover, participants can present their works in the NFT (Non-fungible token – non-interchangeable tokens, technology for registering copyrights and copyright ownership on the blockchain) format in the thematic space created in the Metauniverse.
The metauniverse is a permanent virtual space, where people can interact with each other and with digital objects through their avatars, using virtual reality technology.
The metauniverse is an unlimited space where you can share ideas, attract an audience, create communities, hold events that will remain in the memory of participants.
– We create a comfortable space for creative people where they can fulfil their creativity using Web3 technologies – NFT, AI, Metaverse, – said Varvara Lokteva, WeInCrypto project manager.
The AIYM Art Festival aims to draw attention to the values of gender equality and redefine women’s roles using art and Web3 technologies.
The first 5 days of the festival will be held offline and online, then the works will always be available online.
During the festival, it is expected to hold an exhibition of artworks, master classes and guest presentations, a quest in the Meta Universe with a focus on the development of gender sensitivity with prize drawings.
Guests of the exhibition will receive their NFT token based on the results of activity in the Metaverse and prizes from partners.
The main objectives of the project:
expand the representation of the Kyrgyz identity in the metaverse;
Secondly, it provides a platform for artists and painters to rethink the role of women in modern realities.
Thirdly, to show the possibility of using Web3 technology by digital content creators both for the development of contemporary art and for the monetization of art works: “Art as a startup”.
To make it easier for digital content creators to navigate the NFT and metauniverses, from October 9 to 13, a preparatory educational program was held for selected 20 participants in an NFT incubator format with speakers and mentors.
At the end of the training, participants shall submit their art project (comics, audiovisual content, etc.), which will be digitized and placed in a virtual gallery.
In addition to the NFT incubator, a marathon of mastering Web3 skills for everyone will be held from October 16 to November 13.
There will also be a series of video and audio podcasts with female artists about redefining women’s roles through creativity. One of the podcasts featured well-known artists Tatiana Zelenskaya and Nariste Aliyeva.
In total, it is planned to release 10 podcasts with artists about rethinking the images and roles of women through art and technology.
This content was created with the support of the Media-K Internews project in the Kyrgyz Republic, funded by USAID in Kyrgyzstan. The content is the independent creative work of the Partner and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the US Government and their partner.
This content does not reflect either the views of Internews or Freedom House.